What day is better to shop at SHEIN [Updated 2024]

Wondering which day is better to shop at SHEIN and save some money? Discover the secret keys that every SHEIN buyer should know.

what day is better to buy in shein

When I started shopping at SHEIN I didn't realize that there were better days when you could shop at SHEIN.

If you have observed SHEIN prices, there are articles whose prices may be more expensive than those of Spain or the country in which you live, when the products are on sale, and this may disturb us a bit since if We visit the SHEIN website is to save money, not to spend more for clothes that will take much longer to arrive than in other stores.

And although SHEIN has many items that do not exist in nearby online stores, we wish we could obtain them for less money, after all, discounts and good quality is what makes us smile the most when we make a purchase.

In this article you will know how to choose the best days to buy at SHEIN .

Tips for shopping at SHEIN

Before knowing which are the best days to buy at SHEIN, you should know that even if you know the best day, if you don't follow these key tips, you can lose out on your purchases:

  • Invest the time necessary to look for the garments : you should not buy quickly, at SHEIN, the key is to put the time necessary to look for the garments you want the most at the best price and quality.

  • Recurrently visit the flash sale : visiting the SHEIN flash sale section will help you to buy quality clothes at a discount, but you should review and buy quickly because the clothes sell out very quickly.

  • Know what clothes you need : before making your purchases you should know exactly what clothes you need or what clothes you have to buy from other people if you have to make a joint order. So you will have no doubts when making your purchase.

  • Save everything that interests you in your basket : prepare in your basket all the products that you are interested in buying before the day arrives. In this way you can make your purchase quickly and take advantage of the day that is cheaper for you to make the purchase.

  • Organize your wish lists well : making a good organization of your wish lists, where you keep all the clothes and accessories that you are interested in buying, will give you a global vision of what products have been reduced, or alternatives to find much faster to match your shopping cart with discounts and SHEIN points.

  • Do not take too long to make your purchases : in the event that the day of making your purchase at SHEIN arrives and you want the garments you have chosen to buy, you run the risk that they will run out and you will have to wait for them to be replenished, therefore it is advisable not to take long to make the purchase.

What day is better to buy at SHEIN

There are different occasions that make a good day or not to buy at SHEIN and take advantage of all its advantages:

  1. Shop SHEIN on Sundays

    Well yes, SHEIN has realized that on weekends people do not buy as much online as the rest of the week and decided that on Sunday there would be free shipping to attract more people, therefore it is a good day to buy in SHEIN.

    But keep in mind that when there are promotions such as sales, Black Friday or Cyber Monday, they are not usually on Sundays with free shipping, since their promotions for these celebrations usually last a whole week with offers.

  2. Shop SHEIN on sale days

    The best days to buy in SHEIN is to take advantage of the days that there are offers, since they tend to give coupons and lower the products more. Typically these sales are Black Friday, Cyber Monday, 11.11, 12.12, January sales, and July sales.

  3. Shop SHEIN with coupons, points and gift cards

    Without a doubt, the best day to buy is when you have discount coupons, points and you have bought a gift card, in this way you will have a great discount on your purchase. And if you also combine this with a SHEIN sale period, you will have a really cheap order.

You can still learn more interesting things about SHEIN in the other articles on this blog.

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