How to search SHEIN by photo or by reference Code [EASY]

Easy! Find out how to find your favorite SHEIN items through reference or code or using the product photograph.

how to search on shein by photo

If you are looking for an item in SHEIN that you cannot find, because you saw it for a long time or have seen it on social networks, you should know that you can find them through search SHEIN by code or search SHEIN by photo as you will read below.

How to search SHEIN by code reference

SHEIN garments and articles, as in other online stores, each have a unique identifying reference code .

This is because to guarantee a control of the warehouse stock of all their stocks they need to uniquely identify each garment and product.

The great thing is that SHEIN shows us in each article its reference code which they call SKU and that allows us to search SHEIN by code

Get free clothes from SHEIN easily as I explain here.

Steps to search SHEIN by code

Follow the steps that you will see below if you want to find a SHEIN item and you already have the product's identifying reference SKU code:

  1. Open the SHEIN website or APP.

  2. Use the search engine to paste the reference.

  3. Click on search and the article will appear with the reference you were looking for.

In the same way, I recommend you save these SKU codes when you want to buy something and you think it may disappear from the catalog.

As you can see in the image, the SKU code appears just below the product name, so it will be really easy for you to search for it.

search shein for code

Another way to find clothes in SHEIN by code is to search the SKU or reference code directly in Google. And since this SKU is rare and unique, we will get the product we were looking for as a first response:

search shein for code

How to search SHEIN by photo

On the other hand, you should know that in SHEIN you cannot search by photo but we can use the Google image search engine that will take us to SHEIN anyway.

SHEIN's image search engine works in a very simple way by returning us similar images and links to websites that contain those photographs.

Searching in SHEIN you can find clones of ZARA as I explain here.

Steps to search SHEIN by photo

If you have a photograph of the garment or item you are looking for, you must follow these steps:

  1. Access the Google image search engine, first entering the search engine and then clicking on the top left where it says "Images".

  2. Click on Upload image and upload your image either from mobile or computer.

  3. Once the image has been uploaded and the results obtained right next to the loaded image, a text will appear to which you can add the word "SHEIN" to guarantee that the results are from SHEIN.

    Doing a little SCROLL on the page we will see that where it says "Pages with images that match the search" we will see the product we were looking for.

    search shein by photo

    When you go shopping you can get a discount with SHEIN coupons as I explain here.

You should know that in this example we have searched Google with an image downloaded from the SHEIN website but search SHEIN by photo with Google also works if someone passes you a photo that has been taken with the mobile.

The way to search would be exactly the same, and we would obtain the results of websites with these same photographs.

If this article has been useful to you, remember that there are many others in this one waiting for you to read them about SHEIN.

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